February 22nd 2016

RMDT Fiji Cyclone Winston Appeal

Fiji-Cyclone-Poster for CYCLONE WINSTON.jpg

Assalaamulaikum (Peace Be With You) brothers, sisters, family and friends

As most of you will be aware, Fiji was severely impacted by Cyclone Winston.  

Again, our prayers go out to those who have lost their homes, friends, family and livelihood in this event. Please remember our brothers and sisters in your own prayers in the coming weeks. Not only can we support with our prayers, but there is a desperate and immediate financial need we can help with.

The Guardian is keeping track of images of the impact on the Fijian Community


How Can You Help

Please direct credit your contribution urgently to:

Rasheed Memorial Dawah Trust

ASB Bank: 12-3043-0365388-00

Please use reference: Fiji Appeal

100% of your contribution will go to helping the people of Fiji

For further information please feel free to contact us.


Steve James

RMDT Secretary


Muslim Aid Australia Vanuatu Video