April 5th 2015

RMDT Nominated for Weedbuster Award

Aarif and Khalid.jpg

Assalaamulaikum (Peace Be with You) brothers, sisters, family and friends.

RMDT has been nominated for a Weedbuster Public Land Award for its continued efforts at the Meola Creek Project.

Weedbusters is a weeds awareness and education programme that aims to protect New Zealand’s environment from the increasing weed problem. According to Weedbusters, “Pest animals and plants (weeds) are the greatest threat to New Zealand’s biodiversity. People play a large part in spreading environmental weeds, often without knowing it, and Weedbusters aims to educate people and raise awareness to turn this problem around.”

We have been nominated in the Public Land category.  “Awarded to volunteers and community groups for commitment and dedication in weed management initiatives on public land, including protected areas.” Sounds like us!

Read more here http://www.weedbusters.org.nz/award-nominees/rasheed-memorial-dawah-trust/84/

The Meola Creek project began in 2010 and since then our Brother Taufil Omar and his army of volunteers have dug, weeded, squelched and planted their way to the beautiful site we have now.  See more information on that last planting here Meola Summer Weeding 2015

As a reminder of humble beginnings, the here’s photos of the very first planting we completed.


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